Welcome to CALSSA's COVID-19 Resource Page
During these uncertain times we want support our members and the solar & storage industry at large. You undoubtedly have questions regarding your California solar & storage business and the ever-changing landscape due to the Coronavirus outbreak. We are all concerned about keeping our employees and customers safe and keeping your business afloat during these economically tumultuous times.
We also know you are in the solar industry which means, by definition, you are “tougher than the rest,” to quote “The Boss.” But, we also know that we are all stronger together and more adaptable and resilient with the help of timely information.
To that effort, CALSSA has created this COVID-19 resource page, to keep you informed during this rapidly evolving situation. We are making these resources free and open to members and non-members alike as a service to our industry at-large. We’ll also be sending regular updates to our email list so you don’t miss any news. If you are not currently receiving emails from us, you can subscribe here.
Here’s a look at what we are currently pulling together:
Updated data on marketplace trends.
Virtual content to promote continuing education. Virtual content to promote continuing education. We're kicking things off tomorrow with a special online ”office hours” with CALSSA staff on SGIP. Wednesday, March 18, at 3 PM PDT. Click here for details and to register.
Clearinghouse of information related to California government that impacts your business from the workings of the State Legislature down to your local permitting office.
Updates on industry-related events that have been cancelled or moved online.
Resources and requirements for businesses and their employees. What services are available to you and your staff? What are your liabilities within the context of this pandemic?
It is important that we remain flexible and acknowledge that information shared today might very well be outdated tomorrow. As Matt Pearce, reporter for the LA Times, aptly put in in a recent tweet “What a year this past half hour has been.” Given this reality, timely and accurate information is critical to your business and it is CALSSA’s mission to provide that information for you as best we can.
If you have any particular ongoing education subjects you’d like to see us cover or questions we can answer, please email Josh@calssa.org and we’ll do our best to cover it.
Let’s stay connected and get through this together.