CA Solar & Storage Association

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California Voters Oppose Making Changes to NEM, Blame Utility Profit Motive for Rising Rates

new poll released by CALSSA and the Solar Rights Alliance shows utility company efforts to roll back net metering are highly unpopular among California voters. The poll showed strong support for net metering across political parties, and a bipartisan desire for California leaders to do more to encourage the growth of rooftop solar power. 

Our poll was released just as California’s three investor-owned utilities proposed to the CPUC making rooftop solar two times more expensive than it is today, while slashing the value of solar electricity sent back to the grid on hot summer days by 77%. In the name of equity, the utility’s proposal would make solar out of reach for most low- and middle-income consumers just when recent studies show they make up nearly 50% of today’s market.  

“California is a solar state thanks to overwhelming support from voters,” said Bernadette Del Chiaro, Executive Director, CALSSA. “Voters want California to actively expand and encourage rooftop solar, not allow utilities to undermine consumer choice.” 

More information about the poll can be found here. More information about the utility NEM proposal can be found here. 

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