CA Solar & Storage Association

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Gov. Brown Starts Historic 4th Term Calling for More Rooftop Solar

Solar Industry Stands Ready to Build for the Brighter Future Called for by Gov.

Sacramento – In his historic fourth inaugural address, Governor Jerry Brown called for 50% renewable energy by 2030 and specifically for more rooftop solar power to meet the needs of California today, and tomorrow.

“California’s solar industry stands ready to build Governor Brown’s vision of a better, stronger, cleaner California,” said CALSEIA Executive Director Bernadette Del Chiaro. “Through expanded solar power, California can give the power of the near limitless sun to future generations while building a stronger economy today.”

In his inaugural speech this morning, Governor Brown called specifically for three goals by 2030:

  1. 50% renewable energy, up from 33% which will be reached by 2020;
  2. 50% cut in petroleum usage;
  3. 100% increase in existing building efficiency.

Solar power can help California achieve all three of these goals through greater deployment of rooftop photovoltaic and solar water heating technologies throughout the state. All reports show the industry is poised for continued growth. By all accounts, 2014 is wrapping up as the biggest year for solar power in history, California is on the brink of achieving its “Million Solar Roofs” goal two years ahead of schedule, and, the industry employs more people than the traditional investor-owned utilities combined.

“With the help of increased storage, the evolution of advanced inverters and smart grid technologies, and the increased investment in solar water heating technologies, solar power can play a significant role in building the carbon-free California envisioned today by the governor;" said Del Chiaro. 

In the context of today’s speech, CALSEIA reiterated its policy priorities for 2015, including:

  • Expanding and protecting net energy metering (NEM);
  • Protecting solar-friendly consumer electricity rates;
  • Protecting and extending rebates for solar water heating technologies;
  • Reducing soft costs through implementation of AB 2188, the permit streamlining law;
  • Extending the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) beyond 2016.

 “Getting the policies right is critical to solar power’s continued growth and success,” concluded Del Chiaro. “Entrenched special interests and legacy industries continue to push back on the inevitable clean energy revolution making it imperative that policy makers get the details right in the years ahead.”