Sign Up to Be on Standby for Thursday,
Feb 10 PUC Meeting
The Net Metering 3 fight is far from over and while the recent delay from the CPUC means our pressure has been working, commercial & residential solar is still on the chopping block until the CPUC makes their final decision. NEM 3 is not on the agenda for this Thursday’s CPUC meeting, and after the last meeting where we flooded the CPUC with pro-solar voices and massively outnumbered the opposition, the solar industry does not necessarily need to turn out in force this Thursday.
But after being shown up in such a public way, it is very possible that the opposition will counterpunch by having anti-solar speakers call in to give public comment on Thursday. It is not guaranteed that anti-solar forces will mobilize, but if they do, we will want to respond in kind, so we need people ready to call in to the meeting just in case. Please register below if you are willing to be on standby to call in and give public comment Thursday if the need arises.
Here’s how it will work:
If it looks like the opposition is trying to flood the commission, we will put out an email and text to everyone who registers to be on standby with instructions for calling in and speaking out in defense of solar.
However, if the opposition does not mobilize for Thursday’s meeting, we will not ask you to call.
If you are willing to be at the ready on Thursday to come to the defense of solar if called on, please register below!