Utility Drive - Solar advocates delivered wheelbarrows full of petitions from over 130,000 electricity users to the California Public Utilities Comission (CPUC) asking regulators to extend the state’s net energy metering (NEM) rate, which credits solar owners for any electricity they send back onto the grid at the retail rate, PV Magazine reports.
Why are utilities trying to kill rooftop solar in California?
The Sacramento Bee - When I first started writing about energy living in Sacramento in the late ’80s, the technology to convert sunshine into electricity was among the most expensive options available.
PUC shouldn’t blot out new solar power
The Modesto Bee Editorial Board - Did you know a 3-gigawatt electricity facility has been built in California? That’s five times more than Shasta Dam’s turbines produce, 20 times more than Don Pedro’s, three times more power than Turlock’s Walnut Energy Center and 35 times more than at New Exchequer Dam.
PUC must help solar energy forecast to stay sunny
Mercury News Editorial - The Public Utilities Commission holds the future of California's solar industry in its hands when it writes new rules for the billing relationship between rooftop solar owners and electric utilities throughout the state.