Celebrate A Million Solar Roofs Milestone with
Governor Schwarzenegger!
Join Us For This Historic Event!
Thursday, December 12
1:30 PM
Buchanan High School
1560 N. Minnewawa Ave.
Clovis, CA 93619
In 2006, California made international news by passing the Million Solar Roofs Initiative (SB 1- Murray) and setting a goal of building a million solar energy systems across the state through the expansion of rebates, net metering, and the beginnings of incorporating solar into new homes. The Million Solar Roofs Initiative was the catalyst for California's solar market and after 13 years, we have finally reached this milestone. So, it's time to celebrate and push for a new goal: A Million Solar Batteries by 2025! The bigger the celebration, the greater our momentum.
Join Arnold Schwarzenegger and your allies in the solar industry to celebrate hitting California’s Million Solar Roofs milestone! You did this. You built this amazing clean energy success story. Let’s mark the moment with this historic event. Event will be held at a high school in Clovis that has a solar and storage system as well as a clean energy academy, educating the next generation of solar installers and designers. Let’s bring this victory from San Diego, Los Angeles, Bay Area and Sacramento to the heart of our Central Valley to show a unified clean energy workforce. Bring a friend and if you have your yellow Lobby Day T-shirt, please wear it to the event!
*we will consider this option if we get enough folks from one area who are interested