Special offer for CALSSA members
Do an unlimited quantity of projects for free for 3 months and get a custom checklist and report development without any fees.
We are pleased to offer free 3-month app usage for CALSSA members. Do an unlimited quantity of projects! Moreover, if you need to add your custom checklists, to-do lists, or reports based on your procedures (for example, internal quality control), RowCheck develops and adds such without fees. The offer ends on 28/02/2022.
RowCheck is an app that simplifies the process of manual solar system check, report creation, and sharing it with government inspectors, clients, or employees. RowCheck lets you:
Do everything in one app - collect and markup photos, add your comments even when you are offline
Geolocate and markup photos - geolocation module identifies the issue's location automatically
Free up storage on your phone - every time when you are online, we will load and store the data on the cloud
Create and share reports easily - create a PDF or cloud version of the report and share it immediately with your clients
To apply for the offer go to: rowcheck.com/news/calssa_members_offer