Thank you to everyone who came out and made
these events such a huge success!


Roughly 3,000 solar workers, consumers, faith leaders, environmentalists, and climate activists gathered on January 13, 2022 to make our voices heard in a statewide effort to save more than 50,000 family-supporting green jobs in the rooftop solar industry. In a river of yellow “Save My Solar Job” tee-shirts, workers and supporters held simultaneous rallies and marches to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) buildings in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

In San Francisco, a rally took place at the center strip of Civic Center Plaza near City Hall, before more than 1,200 solar workers and consumers, faith leaders, environmentalists, and climate activists marched to the CPUC headquarters filling up the giant front steps and spilling out onto the street.

Solar Is Life
highlights from our Jan 13 LA Rally