CALSSA's Eight-Point $2 billion+ Economic Stimulus Plan of Action

CALSSA estimates the California solar and storage industry lost a catastrophic 15,000 jobs, over 20% of our workforce, in the first six weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the ability to get back to work, we are optimistic that our industry can rebound to not only our pre-COVID state but to a state of healthy, sustained annual growth that will bring many benefits including more jobs, consumer savings, energy resiliency in the face of upcoming fire season, and cleaner air.

Recovery and growth of the state’s most promising clean energy marketplace, however, will require that policy makers give attention to removing barriers and encouraging growth. To help guide and inform policy making in the next six months, CALSSA published an eight-point short- and longer-term plan of action

  1. Expand and Extend the Federal Investment Tax Credit

  2. Launch Resilient Schools Initiative

  3. Cut Red Tape Through “No Touch” Permitting

  4. Launch One Million Solar-Charged Batteries Initiative

  5. Unleash Power of Existing Ratepayer Storage & Equity Programs

  6. Remove Utility Barriers for Connecting Solar & Storage Systems

  7. Increase Efforts to Reduce Natural Gas Usage in Buildings

  8. Protect Clean Energy Investments from Unnecessary Local Taxes

You are encouraged to share this plan of action with any policy makers you know. There is an action item for every level of government in this plan and the benefits of these eight action items will bring economic stimulus and multiplier effects to every community in the state.