Resources on COVID, Cal/OSHA, and your workforce protection questions

As COVID Shelter-in-Place orders start to lift and companies start working from shared office spaces again, there are new questions the employees, managers, and business owners need to address. To protect your team, it is important to implement clear, written guidelines and procedures so everyone can return to work safely. CALSSA member Carothers DiSante & Freudenberger LLP has put together a suite of resources to help businesses across California as they get ready for the next step in returning to Post-COVID operations. The Covid-19 Workplace Prevention and Response Plan is a starter template for important items for companies to implement to better ensure the safety of all team members. It lays out examples of specific language regarding the responsibilities of supervisors and all employees to ensure a safe workplace, training topics, preventative measures, and risk assessments. The other factsheets help answer questions around Cal/OSHA requirements, worker employee rights, privacy, management responsibilities, and navigating claims & litigation. 

COVID brings unprecedented challenges to workplaces and we hope these resources will be helpful starting points as your company moves forward.